The versatility of acrylic finishes on furniture provides water like transparency and resistance to chemical and physical elements, thus making them ideal for application to areas subject to high levels of wear and tear, such as offices and kitchens. This ICA finish has an anti-yellowing property that prevents the change in color of natural veneer or wood over time, making it a perfect partner for light-colored wooden surfaces or dyed veneer.
ICA’s acrylic finishes are used for project interiors due to their greater flexibility across different shapes and surfaces of furniture. Acrylic polishes are also used for exteriors due to their greater chemical and physical resistance to sunlight exposure.
Our range of acrylic finishes is clear and transparent, available across various sheen (gloss) levels ranging from 95% (high gloss) to 5% (dead matte). So, the client can achieve any look using this product in their project.